Name William Char

Age 72

Town/Moku Kalihi

Island Oʻahu

Nominated by Visa Castillo

Leadership Category Culture

Share with us a little about yourself and what you do. 

I am a leimaker and have taught classes on all the islands from Kaua’i to Hawai’i. And I also have taught classes on the mainland and shared my skills in different areas of the Pacific Islands and Asia

Why is the work that you do important to you? The community?

I enjoy sharing with others my knowledge of lei and the symbolism of each plant that is used in lei

Share with us the qualities of leadership you admire and how you express those in your life.

It’s important to lead people in the life but what I believe that is much more important is to listen to what each person has to say and what they can do to help to attain your goal. Leadership is a two way street the leader who sets the goal and the members who help to attain that goal.

Who has inspired you to do the work that you are doing?

I think my family who as a youngster I watch my Aunts pick and string leis. As I became interested in hula my Kumu became my mentors. Along the way people like Marie McDonald and Irmalee Pomroy would always impress me with the different material that they grew and used in lei. But the most important people were my students who always asked questions that you had to take time to mull the answers to .

What is one word that describes something you are excited about for the lāhui?


What is one word that describes a pressing issue that is facing our lāhui?



Kamaliikupono Hanohano


Sarah Kapalihiwa Bilyeu