Pūlama Collier
Name Pūlama Collier
Age 52
Town/Moku Hāmākuapoko, Pāʻiheʻihe, Kūʻau
Island Maui
Leadership Category Education
Nominated by T. Līhau Collier
Share with us a little about yourself and what you do.
I am a Native Hawaiian scholar, educator, philosopher and artist of Hawaiian language, culture and traditions. He kama a Maui, child of Maui, descendant of Piʻilani and mother of three living in Kūʻau, Maui. Currently an instructor at Kula Kaiapuni ʻo Kekaulike - a Hawaiian Language Immersion Secondary School, the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College as a Hawaiian Language Instructor & a fifth year Hawaiian Philosophy Doctoral Candidate in EA Hawaiʻi Ecoversity. Most of my professional responsibilities and experience are within the realms of Hawaiian education and edification, cultivating Hawaiian Indigenous intelligence, virtues and beliefs into practice with self and others.
Why is the work that you do important to you? The community?
To learn in a fun and enjoyable way is to learn through laughter.
Share with us the qualities of leadership you admire and how you express those in your life.
Some qualities that I admire in a leader are compassion, kindness, inclusivity, intellect, flexibility and adeptness. All of which is held within the essence of ALOHA. The continuity and coherence of my scholarship is mōʻike aloha- a synergistic idea that aloha is the essence of Hawaiian intelligibility, sense ability and knowledge which created and sustains the viability of a Hawaiian existence. This understanding provides for the universal expression of aloha akua, aloha kānaka, & aloha ʻāina; divine grace, human compassion, & devotion to earth.
ʻO ke aloha ka waiwai nui, ʻO kaʻu nō ia e pūlama nei.
Love is our greatest source, it is mine in which to treasure and cherish.
Who has inspired you to do the work that you are doing?
Nā ʻAumākua, Nā kūpuna, Nā mākua a me nā kumu oʻu
What is one word that describes something you are excited about for the lāhui?
What is one word that describes a pressing issue that is facing our lāhui?
Ola Pono